Sunday, November 29, 2009


             After a long time, I've decided on something to start with. GRE.(Graduate Record Examination) It is a very essential exam for pursuing your MS in USA. Wondering some tips can help you pass this big barrier?? Ok. I just wanna share what I know about it. The basic key in succeeding at GRE are two things, Your vocabulary and Time management.

            Before going in detail, I'll tell you the various parts of GRE.They are
  1. Quants. (28 questions in 45 minutes)
  2. Verbal. (30 questions in 30 minutes)
  3. AWA ( 2 essay types, one for 45  minutes and another 30 minutes)
         Now lets see what each of the topic is dealing with.
QUANTS: Just your 9th or 10th grade mathematics involving percentage calculation, algebra, probability, geometry etc., You'll have 3 types of question.

1. comparison. (You have to choose which one of the two values is greater, equal r both has nothing to do with each other).
2. next is usual choose the best answer
3 Graph questions. (Usually you are asked to calculate the  percentage values)
 Though it is only 28 questions what you really need is good speed to finish them.

VERBAL: You need a very good vocabulary to score very good in this section.
1. Antonyms (A very common thing we study from our 1st grade, but the difference is you wont know the meaning of the question or the five given words, just you wil feel bizarre)
2. Analogies You have to find the relationships between the two words and find the pair of words that have the same type of relationship.
3.Sentence Completion . (ha.. our usual fil in the blanks :) and as usual without a good vocabulary U will end up lost in the screen )
4 Reading Comprehension (A big paragraph to understand the concept and bigger paragraph of questions. You really must improve your reading speed to finish your verbal session in time)

AWA: Oh the essay writing part. Given two types
1. Issue: Here  you are to choose from the given two topics and write on it in your given time 45 minutes. It is scored to 6.0
2. Analysis: here you are asked to analyze and excerpt from some article. you should read the excerpt and say about what makes it an incomplete detail and what other details added would make it better advertisement or whatever it is'!!

You finish all this you are given another topic which you have to write for another 30 minutes but it is just like testing purpose. It will not be scored. Then some usual blah blah procedures. That is the basic of GRE exam

In my future blogs will update more about each part and other details that will help you out!!


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